Saturday, January 8, 2011

Moustache Ramblings / 01-7-2011

Today for the 3rd time, I had to say fairwell to probably one of the best friends any person could ask for. The one girl I go to 95 % of the time for all advice, the one person I can talk to about ANYTHING and she'll understand exactly where I'm coming from. The one person I want in my life forever. Summer 2010, we both grew. We know it. We've learned a lot about each other over hte past couple of years and I find our friendship extremely special. Not because we relate to each other a lot but because we have the same view on a lot of things that people would find stupid. We both would kill to do humanitarian work, in Haiti or Africa and we both want to do it, and one day I truly believe we will be writting on our blogger accounts about our experiences. She has inspired me so much, she is the main reason why I started to write my thoughts and basically publish them on this blog. At the end of the summer, we cried like 2 big babies. We had so many memories together. From Frisbee Suicide stomping ( its our special sport now ) to just chillaxing on the beach, to midnight bon fires eating marshmellows and just talking about life and of course the moutache lived on, with a little bit of added Eugene Levi, Jungle madness... hehehe.

I love what we stand for. Peace and Love. We talk about it so much and how much we'd love to change the world. John Lennon / Michael Jackson style, Minus the drugs and the crotch grabbing. But in my heart I do believe that one day we will try to make a diffrence. I know how we are.... I know us too well to just sit back and let the world become a horrible scary place. We love each other, we're best friends and we lost nature and we love the world. Peace and Love Always.

This time saying goodbye wasn't as hard as I thought, because knowing how much fun we had in summer 2010, I know summer 2011 will be just as amazing if not better. We already have plans and I know it will be amazing. Especially the sailing, watching the sunset and hten watching the fireworks from the sea. If I could of written everything that happened in that summer, I would have the most amazing book of memories anyone could ever ask for.

I absolutely adore this friend, and I would give her anything if she asked for it, she's not just my BFF, she's my inspiration, my rock, my advice giver, my partner in crime, my Eugene Moustache woman, or my dance partner. She's the big sister I've never had but always wanted.

One day, GT and I, will take a roadtrip or backpack through some country. Take an adventure. Write about it, take pictures about it and wen we're old and grey, I guarentee we'll still be making finger moustaches, and living life and laughing and just loving life, as much as we do now.

Peace and Love. Always

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