Saturday, January 8, 2011

Live the live you Love, Love the life you Live. 01-7-2011

People who take life for granted are the most ungreatful people alive. They don't appreciate the gift of life. You were put on this earth for a reason. I don't understand people who can't embrace it. Why can't people Live their life to the fullest and loving every minute of it. Live like you are going to die tomorow. Say the things you want to say, don't hold back. Do the things you want to do or always wanted to do, or at least try. Find a way to do it !!! This is the point of my blog. This year in 2011, I am going to Blog. about everything I've ever wanted to say.

You NEVER know what's going to happen. When life is going to throw you a curve ball. You're at bat. You're the batter of you're life. When life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade.

I will always be a strong beleiver in living. loving. and laughing. I know it's hippie of me to say it, but in the past year I've become a hippie, minus the smoking pot. I would honestly, go to a peace rally, and sing " give peace a chance " at the top of my lungs. I want world peace, I want racism to stop, I want people to stop bullying other people just because theyre a little bit diffrent then them.

Don't ever sweat the little things that make you mad, walk away but learn from that experience. Become stronger because of all the things that ever made you sad or upset. Don't cry over spilt milk. Relive the moments that make you laugh, and relive them over and over, laugh harder and harder everytime. Laugh so hard your stomache hurts and tears stream down your face.

Life is a gift. Don't waste it.
Enjoy every single moment of your life.
Because when life throws you that curveball, you never know if you'll strike out.
Live every second and every breath, like its gonna be your last.

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