Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 Resolutions. Straight up.

New Year. New Start !

1. Finish losing the weight I want off, and accomplish the one goal I've been longing, being comfterble in my own skin

2. Love MYSELF, for the person I am

3. Find A Job. Starting saving $$$$

4. Travel

5. Write More, Try to write about my thoughts,
my ideas, what/who inspires me truly.

6. Think about school and actually take it seriously

7. Don't sweat the little things

8. Start Running again.... Run the 5 K Marathon by the end of summer.
9. Read a lot more, keep track of hte books, write mini reviews, etc

10. Get a tattoo.

11. Skydive is a HUGE must, Something i need to save up for

12. Go whale watching, I always put stuff off and never end up doing it.

13. Take LOTS of pictures. of EVERYTHING.

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