Saturday, February 5, 2011

I LOVE, Life.

Life is a gift, so live it up and do it right.
Life isn't about hate and violence, so don't put up a fight.
Life is about peace and love, so just have FUN.
Life is about friends, don't let all the good times end.
Life is about taking risks, so stop living in fear.
Life is about music, so scream out the lyrics.
Life is about rollercoatsers....
..............Scream at the Peaks. Laugh through the drops. Freaking over the loops
Life is about the nights you wont reember, with the friends you wont ever forget.
Life is about oceans, go with the flow, rock and roll, sail away but always come home.
Life is about adventures and journeys....
.........everything is an experience, live through it and you'll find some selt growth
Life is about short days and endless nights, you chose what's wrong and what's right.
Life is about laughing and laughing LOUD. Laughing LONG and laughing endlessly. a gift.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Live the live you Love, Love the life you Live. 01-7-2011

People who take life for granted are the most ungreatful people alive. They don't appreciate the gift of life. You were put on this earth for a reason. I don't understand people who can't embrace it. Why can't people Live their life to the fullest and loving every minute of it. Live like you are going to die tomorow. Say the things you want to say, don't hold back. Do the things you want to do or always wanted to do, or at least try. Find a way to do it !!! This is the point of my blog. This year in 2011, I am going to Blog. about everything I've ever wanted to say.

You NEVER know what's going to happen. When life is going to throw you a curve ball. You're at bat. You're the batter of you're life. When life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade.

I will always be a strong beleiver in living. loving. and laughing. I know it's hippie of me to say it, but in the past year I've become a hippie, minus the smoking pot. I would honestly, go to a peace rally, and sing " give peace a chance " at the top of my lungs. I want world peace, I want racism to stop, I want people to stop bullying other people just because theyre a little bit diffrent then them.

Don't ever sweat the little things that make you mad, walk away but learn from that experience. Become stronger because of all the things that ever made you sad or upset. Don't cry over spilt milk. Relive the moments that make you laugh, and relive them over and over, laugh harder and harder everytime. Laugh so hard your stomache hurts and tears stream down your face.

Life is a gift. Don't waste it.
Enjoy every single moment of your life.
Because when life throws you that curveball, you never know if you'll strike out.
Live every second and every breath, like its gonna be your last.

Moustache Ramblings / 01-7-2011

Today for the 3rd time, I had to say fairwell to probably one of the best friends any person could ask for. The one girl I go to 95 % of the time for all advice, the one person I can talk to about ANYTHING and she'll understand exactly where I'm coming from. The one person I want in my life forever. Summer 2010, we both grew. We know it. We've learned a lot about each other over hte past couple of years and I find our friendship extremely special. Not because we relate to each other a lot but because we have the same view on a lot of things that people would find stupid. We both would kill to do humanitarian work, in Haiti or Africa and we both want to do it, and one day I truly believe we will be writting on our blogger accounts about our experiences. She has inspired me so much, she is the main reason why I started to write my thoughts and basically publish them on this blog. At the end of the summer, we cried like 2 big babies. We had so many memories together. From Frisbee Suicide stomping ( its our special sport now ) to just chillaxing on the beach, to midnight bon fires eating marshmellows and just talking about life and of course the moutache lived on, with a little bit of added Eugene Levi, Jungle madness... hehehe.

I love what we stand for. Peace and Love. We talk about it so much and how much we'd love to change the world. John Lennon / Michael Jackson style, Minus the drugs and the crotch grabbing. But in my heart I do believe that one day we will try to make a diffrence. I know how we are.... I know us too well to just sit back and let the world become a horrible scary place. We love each other, we're best friends and we lost nature and we love the world. Peace and Love Always.

This time saying goodbye wasn't as hard as I thought, because knowing how much fun we had in summer 2010, I know summer 2011 will be just as amazing if not better. We already have plans and I know it will be amazing. Especially the sailing, watching the sunset and hten watching the fireworks from the sea. If I could of written everything that happened in that summer, I would have the most amazing book of memories anyone could ever ask for.

I absolutely adore this friend, and I would give her anything if she asked for it, she's not just my BFF, she's my inspiration, my rock, my advice giver, my partner in crime, my Eugene Moustache woman, or my dance partner. She's the big sister I've never had but always wanted.

One day, GT and I, will take a roadtrip or backpack through some country. Take an adventure. Write about it, take pictures about it and wen we're old and grey, I guarentee we'll still be making finger moustaches, and living life and laughing and just loving life, as much as we do now.

Peace and Love. Always

2011 Resolutions. Straight up.

New Year. New Start !

1. Finish losing the weight I want off, and accomplish the one goal I've been longing, being comfterble in my own skin

2. Love MYSELF, for the person I am

3. Find A Job. Starting saving $$$$

4. Travel

5. Write More, Try to write about my thoughts,
my ideas, what/who inspires me truly.

6. Think about school and actually take it seriously

7. Don't sweat the little things

8. Start Running again.... Run the 5 K Marathon by the end of summer.
9. Read a lot more, keep track of hte books, write mini reviews, etc

10. Get a tattoo.

11. Skydive is a HUGE must, Something i need to save up for

12. Go whale watching, I always put stuff off and never end up doing it.

13. Take LOTS of pictures. of EVERYTHING.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Peace out 2010, What's up 2011 !!

Soooo, 2010 is over.
I've learned how strong I am. How much crap I can take before having my breaking point.
I realized what I'm looking for in love, and what I absolutely DO NOT want.
I want fairness. understanding. conversation. respect. LOVE.
I don't want to be called names. I don't deserve to be called names.
I'm only human, we all make mistakes. I learned from the biggest mistake I've ever made.
Giving chance after chance, hoping for the best and getting the worse.
I've lost people very close to me, I have grieved. I have cried.
I fucked up in 2010, I'm sure we all have.
We learned from all our stupid mistakes.
I'm a lot stronger then what I used to be. I don't cry as much as I used to.
I tell it like it is and I just don't care anymore.
For once, I want to be happy.

In 2011 I want to ->

1. Get a job.
2. Not look for love, let love find me.
3. Lose the rest of the weight I want to lose. I know I can do it, I did it in 2010.
4. Keep eating healthy. ( No junk food/sweets. PERIOD. )
5. Read. A LOT more.
6. learn to love myself ( or at least try )
7. write a lot more.
8. start running again ( it got cold and I got unmotivated )
9. travel ?
10. to keep living without regrets.
11. get a tattoo