Friday, December 31, 2010

December 8th, 2010...30 years later

30 years ago, John Lennon was in NYC. Outside of his home. Mark David Chapman who was a crazed Lennon fan asked him for his autograph on the morning of December 8Th, 1980. That night he shot John Lennon to death.

John Lennon was a member of the Beatles, along with Paul, John and Ringo. ( As if you didn't already know ) Writing probably the most amazing and inspirational songs I've ever listened to. All you Need is Love. Imagine. Give Peace a Chance. Revolution. ..........simply Amazing.

Inspirational and full of love. John Left the Beatles an became one of the most famous peace anti war activist, ever.

To Me. John Lennon is more then JUST a Beatle. More then JUST Yoko's husband. More then just some guy who wanted world peace and just flat out love. He knew that war was not right. He is my hero because despite all the hate in the world. He taught me how to see things " Glass is half full" way. That the world needs more positivity and love. To see past negativity and just stay positive. He encouraged peace. John Lennon is a role model. John Lennon is a GOD, in my eyes. The Beatles. ARE GODS.

Beatles have taught me so much, So much that i ask my mother why she didn't have me in the "Beatlemania Era" instead of the Backstreet Boys / N'sync / Spice Girls Era. Don't get me wrong. I love BSB and all those 90's bands, BUT. The Beatles and all the music from the past is just better. It has more heart. It has more soul. It has feeling. All you NEED... is LOVE. .... Just IMAGINE, what the world would be like if there was peace. I was only 11 years old when this whole ...terrorist act started happening... and I'm 20 !! So many innocent people are getting killed every single day... and what does the person have at the end of the day??? Nothing. I want peace. I want Love. I want the world to be a better place, Bot just for my generations. But for kids who don't know whats going on in the world. I would love to be 5 years old again, and not know why Canadian Soldiers are come home in coffins or what roadside bombs are. It's sad. War is sad. I don't understand why people are so hateful towards others. What would John Lennon say about the teen suicides in the USA, because they're bullied ???!?!?! The world DISGUSTS me. Ellen, whom is probably one of the biggest inspirations in my life, was one of the first television hosts to come out as being homosexual... look at her!! I bet you anything, everyone who ever made her feel like crap are kicking themselves in the ass because she made it and they didn't. People need to get over themselves and start being nice. Do you want to carry that on your shoulders ?! "this person committed suicide because of me " .... probably not.
Ellen had Madonna speak out on the issue on her show, and it brought me to tears. People care so much about bullying and they want it to stop. But it seems like the issue is bigger then all of us. Ellen is amazing. I don't care what anybody says. Ellen, cares about people in need and she helps people out. Not to sleep better at night, but because shes a genuine person who CARES.
" Be Kind to one another "
She definitely practices what she preaches. I do not go one day without having my breakfast with Ellen.

I was bullied, and then I got Cancer. When I came back to school everyone made fun of me even more. Saying rude vulgar things like.... " I wish you would of just died " ..... i just survived cancer, i felt like it meant absolutely nothing instead of feeling like I was on top of the world. It came to the point where i had to switch schools because I was suicidal at 10 years old. I was saying things like " I wish i would of just died....nobody would be making fun of me" ... I even had to go to therapy for this. It was the worst years of my entire life. Relay for life survivors walk, made me feel like I was AMAZING. Just like the others who walked with me that year. I got hugs from people I didn't know. I was CRYING because so many people were in my shoes with me. These people, know what its like, To have death face you and you combat it. People are ignorant creatures.

I was 10 years old when i had cancer. I'm now 20. People who made fun of me have apologized for making my life hell, and I'm actually friends with some of them. Throughout the past 10 years, I've learned so much about myself and about the world. The Beatles have had SUCH a part in it as well. I love them with every fiber in my soul. They are the most amazing human beings I've ever been introduced to in my life, along with Michael Jackson. All they wanted was peace. Love. harmony. ..........they wanted the world to be a better place because the world and life is a gift. People can't see that.

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