Friday, December 31, 2010

Empty Patio Chair

I sit in my old wooden patio chair, wrapped up in an old holey quilt looking at the sunset on the lake. Perfect colours are painted across the sky, so perfect it would almost be fake. Sipping on hot tea, cold breeze blowing through my hair. The chair next to me is empty...

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, this place is so serene, its so quiet, no emotions to feel. Everything here seems like it's all a dream.

The leaves are changing colours, it's mid October. Loneliness sinks in, no matter how deep i look within. I don't feel what i once felt. New cards, life's dealer has dealt. I won't feel anymore shame. This is a brand new game.
I sit in my old patio chair, sippin' on my hot cup of tea....
I now see how amazing life can really be.

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