Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9th, 2013 - life.

      I'm sitting here really thinking about life. What does it mean? What's the point of it all? What's our purpose to be on this earth ?
      We spend so much time in our lives going to school, going to work, paying bills, blah blah blah. So what is our purpose? Be a kid, grow up, go to college, work the rest of your life and die? So really, what is our purpose.

      In life we spend so much time being social. We have friends and family and we normally can't go a day without checking facebook, or texting our friends or calling them. We just have to be up to date with all the latest news in the circle of friends or the outside world. Who slept with who, who's dating or who's breaking up. Really, what benefit does that give us? Who cares who Taylor Swift broke up with? Maybe her fans cuz they'll get a new album. " WEEE! Are never ever everrrrrrr..." You get the drift. Why do we like gossip so much? We ALL say we hate drama, but when we see a fight going down on Facebook... we all rape our refresh button, grab some popcorn and wait for the smackdown to happen. Dont lie, we all do it. Oh Facebook, and all its drama. Sometimes I contemplate deleting my account, but I never do. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I say " Fuck This! I'm not going online today" and 2 hours later I go on and check my messages, notifications and all that Jazz. It's what keeps us connected. I'll admit most of the time I just facebook, tweet or text. But sometimes a good old fashion phone call is in order, especially if the person you're talk to is someone you never see because they live away.

         It's disgusting to think that our generation's kids don't know what it's like to be a real kid because all they want to do is play video games, play on their ipad, or listen to music on their ipods. Seriously. When I was a kid playing meant going outside and playing in the snow, making snowmen and forts. And in the summer the game was get as much mud on you without getting yelled at by your mom. I can remember the days where I'd spend hours playing barbies, or playing house. I would spend hours and hours outside.
I can remember going outside at night time and it would be safe, and playing ghost in the graveyard. For those of you living in the stone age, ghost in the graveyard was hide and seek, at night. In the dark. And it was perfectly safe. We never worried about "bad guys." Now our society has people that kidnap people and rape little kids. Its disgusting. When I was kid I'd spend HOURS outside. Jumping on the trampoline, swimming in the neighbor's swimming pool, making sand catles at the beach or going to Larry's to go tabogoning for hours and hours at a time. I remember coming home from school in the winter and it was always the same thing " you going to Larry's tonight? "  Now, if you dont know what / who Larry is, It's a guy who has a HUGE hill in the back of his house, and he would let all the kids in the neighborhood go there. I remember times he'd BBQ hot dogs and make us hot chocolate. THOSE were good times. Eventually he'd put huge spot lights on the back of his house and we'd stay till 9-10 at night, just sledding. That my friends, is what a childhood should consist of. Not sitting behind a computer screen or a tv playing video games all day. My question is why are parents letting their kids do this? Eventually their kids will become over weight because theyre not being active and their kids will grow up to be self concious because society's persona of what is beautiful is so superficial.

          Why is our persona of beauty based on Hollywood. Why does a 12 year old girl stop eating? " Because I don't wanna get fat" ... So let's get this straight, because TMZ, etalk, victoria secret fashion shows, People magazine's list of the 100 hottest people or anything associated with "Hollywood's Idea of what is beautiful.." a 12 year old girl is going to become anorexic and is going to look at herself in the mirror and think that she is ugly. Marilyn Monroe was NOT a size double zero. She had love handles and some junk in hte truck, and you know what? She was gorgeous. In fact she's one of my role models. She is such an inspiration.  Fine I admit it, I think I'm fat. I look at myself in the mirror sometimes and I Point out my imperfections. " Ugh I wish this was flatter, or this was rounder.. blah bah blah" Sure, I've done p90x and Insanity...and I run when I can. At least I'm trying to change what I don'y like about myself. If you wanna change something about yourself, do it for you. Society poisioned today's generation. But I fear what the next generation is going to be life. If this one is all about being stick thin, iphones and video games, what is our world going to be like in 10-20 years when we have our children? I at least hope to give my kids a childhood like the one I had and learn to appreciate the little things life has to offer, like the outdoors. Cheap fun.

          Life in general is fucked up. We spend so much time looking for love, or looking for a job, or looking for something. Half the time "love" doesn't work, because one is more into it than the other and it just doesn't work out. Love stinks. Someone always gets hurt. Love like you've never loved before eh? It's harder than you think. We have this idea of what love should be, and then there's reality. Movies gives us a false idea of what love is. Perfect guy, Perfect girl. Perfect love. GAG. ME. If my life was made into a love story it'd be more along the lines of. Self consious girl. Guy who doesnt try hard enough or a guy who drags me through the mud and in the end I find out he's cheated the entire time. Perfect Love? yeah, give me a break. My Love story would be about me and my cat. Because at the end of the day a cat will never let you down.... unless it runs away. But let's keep is positive. Love sometimes just happens. Sure I'm still a youngin' but I want love too.

   So what really is the purpose of this thing we call life? I want my life to have a purpose, whether that means going to Haiti and doing humanitarian work, or going to Africa to build a school. I wanna do something more than just... get up in hte morning and go to a job that I'll probably hate. Or spend thousands of dollars on school and education, then you spend the rest of your life paying off those student loans. Life is always about paying something, buying something or doing something you dont need to do or dont wanna do.

        So here's my theory. FUCK SOCIETY. Fuck what society thinks. Sure, go to school and do what YOU wanna do. Get a job, work for your $$$ but use it on something YOU WANT. Hell, I start a new job tomorrow. And I'll save up my $$ and get my car on the road again, and then I'll save up to do some things I wanna do... like skydive. That's probably my main #1 bucket list goal this summer. To go be reckless and jump out of a plane. Hell maybe if I can I'll go on a roadtrip to Montreal or something. Who knows. It all depends.... on the money. Like everything else in this world. It's ALL about the green.

   So go out there, be yourself. Who cares if you got a lil junk in the trunck or a couple grey hairs. Go out there and be yourself. Smile because you dont know who's falling in love with it. Go out there and change the world. Be the chage you want to see in the world.

     - Chris


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