Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10th, 2013; The new Job ...

hey guys,
             So today is my first day on the "new job" and even though I have done waitressing before, I can't help but sit here scared, nervous and anxious, and not in a good way. Waitressing, you may think is a glamourous job where we make " so many tips " and everything is fine and dandy. Actually it's the complete opposite. We DO make tips, sure. But imagine this. Customer walks in and sits down. You bring them their menus and tell them the special of the day. You give them a few minutes to deceide and hten you take their orders. You bring them their drinks first, and my first day ever I spilled a glass of water all over the customer. SMART. Then you bring them their food while the plates are piping hot. So basically you have to try and not bur your hands. Then after a while you check if hte food is ok. Well usually a nice person would say yeah everything's fine. But sometimes you get the most ignorant customer who comes in on his high horse and basically disses you out and does everything in his power to make you feel like the lower superior. You go back into the kitchen and tell the cook, while trying to swallow what you've just been told. Then you go get their dishes, ask them for dessert and bring them the cheque if they don't want any. After they pay and leave you clean up the rest of the table, set it for the next customers. You may think this is all fun and games and money coming out of the ass, but really, the job is stressful and it sucks. Why do we do it? Why do we put up with this? Because it pays the bills. I'll be 2 days in the dining room and 2 days in hte kitchen helping out the chef, thank GOD. If it gets to be too much I may just ask the manager if I can be in hte kitchen at all times, because I don't do well under A lot of stress.

         So I'm less than one hour away from going and starting out this new job. I dunno if i'll be getting trainned for this new place because they might do things differently than the last place but we'll see. I'm sitting here heart pounding, short of breath, etc. You know, typical mini panic attack. No biggie right? Thank god it's only the diner shift right? wrong. If it's busy... look out anxierty. The positive thing, I'll be working with 2 girls that I already know, and like. That's a perk.

      I am really happy I'm not going out west honestly. Seeing my friends come over and talking to them about it and thinking, I dunno when I'm gonna see these guys again, it sucks. And I've been a big sad miserable mess, so maybe I'm not ready to move my entire life across the country just yet? Maybe I have to focus on just being happy again. So maybe I haven't outgrown this town as much as I thought I did? Maybe I'll pay for my seat at school and go in the fall? Who knows what the future has in store? Maybe this happened for a reason. Everything happens for a reason right???

       So I'm off to work now... I'll write again when I get home and let you all know how it went....Wish me luck!!


           Alright so its 4:30 and I got back from my shift a little bit after two. I feel a little better now that the first day and first day stress is pretty much gone. I didn't spill any water or drinks on anybody. GO ME! The most embaressing part about working in a restaurant is serving people you know, especially hot guy friends. That's probably the worst. Today one of them game in along with some of his friends. Did I screw up? nope. Thank the seet baby whatever that is holy in the world. The minute I walked in I basically got grilled for being 10 minutes early... Isn't that what employers want? hmmm. lol. Then I got pounded with information like there was no end. In the mornings, you do this, this, this, this, this, add another 20 or so this' and those are my responsibilites first thing when I go in the morning. GREAT HUH! yup hahaha, no stress right? wrong. The cash is fucking hard to learn, especially when they won't show you where anything is so you'll learn on your own. And there's so much to take in because it's a whole new restaurant. AWESOME. I better not get fucked over like at the last badly run place I worked at. There was 2 bosses. One would tell me to do one thing and while I was doing that ONE thing, the other boss would flip shit on me and tell me to do another. So one day i went from 40 some hours a week to none. And when I asked why, I was basically degraded from head to toe and I was basically told I was retarded. Nice huh? So, after that shift was over, I walked out and I never step foot in that place ever again. Funny thing is I see these people around ALL the time and all they do is stare. Too fucking bad for them I dont give them the time of day or the acknowledgement they want and don't deserve.

            So the next two shifts I have is Chef's help. Whatever that is and then I'll be in the dining room again one day. perfect huh? I have tomorrow and Saturday off. Two days of which I'm gonna try to keep myself as busy as possible so I don't sit there and dwell over hte past couple of weeks. Now, I've been talking about the past couple of weeks in most of my blog posts lately. And some of you are probably like, " Okay what's been going on in this chick's life???!?!" Well.. here it goes....

            The issues with the boy, will remain untalked of because that's my personal life and if you know me at all I dont really talk about that with just anybody.

            Alright. so. First of all. Have you ever had a guy not want to leave you alone??? Well, there is a guy who wouldn't fuck off. And he kept asking me on dates all the time. And obviously I kept saying no. On Christmas eve he texted me and started a fuck ton of drama.Saying my man was a cheater and now I could be with him. He had also been texting my friend, who was going to be gettin engaged to be married and has a child, telling her he loved her and wanted her to move in with him and he wanted her to leave her boyfriend. Now my friend works at the local coffee shop and goes in work for 7AM, which means she gets there at about 7:45. He would sit there and wait for her and if she got there at 7:48, he'd say "you're late" ... Let's just say I gave him a piece of my mind, and I almost got the police involved.

            Then, over Christmas break the family car broke down. And my dad borrowed his dad's truck. Then the day after boxing day it was snowing and storming quite hard. My aunt, who lives with my grandfather called at 9AM that morning. My dad was gone to do bait, because he's a fisherman. She said " Is your dad home?"  to which I answered " No, he's gone to do bait, he'll call you when he gets home." She then lost her shit on me and said " well, i don't understand why he's gone because I NEED the truck to go to work TOMORROW." ( Not today, the day of the storm. Tomorrow.) I told her that we needed the truck till supper time so we could go get my mom at work, because we weren't going to make her walk in a snow storm and that they could come get it after supper, no problem. Then she called at 11. and again at 11:12. 11:20. get hte picture. She called probably 15 times in the run of 45 minutes. Most of that time I was in the shower, but I checked the caller ID and I saw 15 missed called and all the time stamps showed that she'd call every 2-3 minutes. Then I went in my room to dry my hair and do what girls do. My dad came home and took a shower because if you know what lobster bait smells like, you know it stinks like hell. So when we were both done getting ready we were just talking in the kitchen and I told him what had happened and he said I'll call her after lunch, there's no rush for a damn truck, plus we needed the truck till at least 6PM to go pick up my mother at work because it was a blizzard outside. We then heard footsteps coming up my deck... it was them. They were on a mission and a half to get the truck back. My grampa said " yeah, look. Im taking hte truck back, you're gonna have to go rent yourself a car or something" .... Isnt family supposed to help family?? Apparently not because my grampa asked me if my phone was broken. And dumbfounded I said : "No, why?" He said "well you weren't answering....." ( maybe I wasn't home??? ) So i said " sorry, I was in the shower. "  Now this is what gets me.... he accused me of being a liar for one thing and then he asked me if I knew where I was going because I lied. Apparently liars go to hell. So because of this little spat. My dad and his dad aren't speaking because my dad thinks I deserve an appology. And I can't agree more. I would NEVER tell my grand daughter, let alone a family member that they're going to hell.

             And as you readers know, I was sort of planning on going out west as much as I didn't wanna go I felt like I had no other choice. I'd spend every single day crying and just being flat out miserable. Everything that's been happening with the boy, the stalker, my family and on top of that I might have to move across the country to work...I'm the time of person that I jsut shrug everything off. But all the things started piling on thicker and thicker and I broke down and lost it. Finally, I got a call for a part time job. Around here part time is better than nothing. So today was my first day and I did okay. I'm not sure if my boss likes me but I like my co-workers so far so that's a perk! And I don't have to move out west. Thank god. Maybe I'll go visit my friends or something. 

             So there you go, there's the past two weeks of my life. Fun huh? Drama. Drama. Drama. Shit I wanted to leave in 2012 but it followed me into 2013. Let's just hope things will have a way of working themselves out for the better.

      Your's Truly, Trying to stay positive.

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