Friday, January 11, 2013

January 11th, 2013 - Friends


           Where would any of us be if we didn't have friends. Think about it. Pick the friend / friends you trust the most. Got it? Okay. Imagine your life without them.... pretty scary huh? There's friends you talk to about certain things. Some you may tell your boy problems to, your job problems, school / work problems...the list really goes on and on.  And there will always be that one friend you can count on no matter what.

           Personally, I don't know where I'd be without a few friends in specific. I wouldn't be where I am today, that's for sure. Hell, sometimes I wonder where they would be if I wasn't there the way I am with my friends. I can't imagine my life without them. There will be times in your life where you WILL realize who your real friends are, and true colors will be shown. I've learned the hard way to trust people I shouldn't of trusted. "A real friend will walk in when the rest of the world walks out on you" I see it as "

       For example, one of my really good friends has seen me through pretty hard times in my life, some I never thought I would get out of. Losing jobs, losing family members, break ups and just flat out bad relationships. If it wasn't for her giving me a reality check I'm honesty not sure If I'd be as strong as I am today, for making that decision I made almost 3 years ago. She is like the big sister I never got to have, but always wanted. We're the ones who listen to old Vinyls and drink beer. We laugh till our insides hurt. We relate on so many levels because we've been through all of hte same things. There's always that one friend, who knows you better than anyone.

          Now, Imagine your life without that person. The one friend you've known forever, and you know everything about them and they know everything about you. I can't. I need at least facebook chat while we're apart from each other. Hell, I need texting, Facebook chats, and phone calls with any of my friends because I literally can't go a day without talking to my friends, just as any of us do.

 Friends know that we care about them. Sure, my friends all know that I love them to pieces. Friends should know, because when you tell your friends secrets, it means you trust them and it gives them a feeling that you love them enough to want to share whatever it is with them. But, what if deep down friends don't know how we really feel about them? Why not taking 5 minutes in a day and say "hey, thanks for always being there for me and I really appreciate your friendship" Why is it so hard for some of us to show affection and compassion? Sure, we've all been hurt or betrayed by somebody in our lives, some more than others. I myself, have been through too much greif, betrayal, anger, distrust and pain in my life that I could supply another's person's lifetime of heartache. But, I tell the ones that are close to me that I care about them because life can be taken away in the blink of an eye. Life is too precious not to care, not to trust and not to love. For me it's hard, for some of you it may be harder than it is for me. But why do we shut people out? Instinct? I recently learned to start taking risks a little more often, and maybe that's a bad thing. Maybe it's a good thing. Who knows, but I won't look at it as a mistake anymore. I'll look at it as a lesson learned. Gotta learn the hard way somtimes.   

    So, I'll leave you with this:

- Think of your closest friends. It may be one, two or it may be a group of 10 friends. Imagine them.Now imagine the ones you're not that close to, gone. Will it affect you? Imagine ALL of them gone...You're best friends, the ones you tell everything to....they're not there. It sucks right? Life won't be too much fun anymore. No getting ready to go out togehter, just the girls. No girl's nights with junk food and ice cream. No going out on hte town. It's hard to imagine but sometimes we need to give ourselves a reality check and learn to appreciate what we do have in our lifes.

          Text your friends, write on their facebook walls, do something to tell your friends you care about them! It only takes a breif minute and it can all be taken away. 


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