Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12, 2013 - Music.

Good morning guys!

        It's 9:40 AM, and as I was skimming through MSN News and having my French Vanilla Coffee, I was thinking, " Shit, what Am I going to write about today..." I told myself this year I would try to write on this everyday or at least try... So far I missed a few days but hey, it's okay. Shit happens.

    So every morning, as soon as I'm up and I've made my coffee, checked my phone, checked my emails/facebook, watched TSN for a bit, I turn on CMT, or some sort of music. I do this almost on a daily basis. So I figured, hmmm... maybe this is a good topic for a Saturday.

     My music choices are based on my mood. I listen to everything. And by everything I mean anything from Indie to Country to Rap to Heavier stuff to Classic Rock. If people saw my Itunes list they would think I'm weird. Anything from Backstreet Boys to AC/DC to Coldplay to Florida Georgia Line to Brad Paisley to Skrillex. It all depends on the mood or the situation.

        For example, If I go for a run and I'm in a good mood, I'd listen to something like Trouble Maker by Oly Murs or anything upbeat, same with being on the elyptical trainner. Anything with a high energy to give me evergy. If I'm pissed off and I go for a run, well, anything with a heavy metal beat. Breaking Benjamin has seen me through some pretty bad moods, same with weights. It has to be a heavier song. If I'm in a bad mood because of a relationship I'll listen to any song about a breakup gone bad. Mr.Imature by Stef Lang or Princess of China by Coldplay. Now, let's say I'm the dumper in a relationship, ( haha here we go, you guys are all saying ) I will listen to the most woman empowering songs that are out there. Undo it by Carrie Underwood, Miss Independant - Kelly Clarkson, Independant Woman - Destiny's child..... you get the idea. If I'm the dumpee, well let's just say my playlist is depressing as hell. Music is all based on moods, and music is the best healer out there I find.

        Now, I don't know how many of you out there agree with this but, Today's music....most of it sucks. Sure I like going to the clubs and dancing to Nicki Minaj or Party Rock anthem, those are party songs, Party Mood = Party Songs. But when I'm at home I'll always pick ACDC over Nickelback. I'll pick The Beatles over One Direction ( I didn't know what band to pick lol ) and I'll ALWAYS pick country music over everything. Country music has heart. Sure country music is usually about drinking beer, trucks and small towns. But thats me, I'm a small town girl with dreams bigger than the town itself, who likes to drink by a fire on a Saturday night over going out to the clubs, and I want to own a truck more than anything in the world.  But Above all, classic tock is REAL music. ACDC, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, you name it, they lyrics are raw, the music is real, and there's nobody writting the songs for them or making the music for them. They played their own music, wrote their own songs, REAL. Most country singers do the same.

       Look at it this way. " Jump in my hoompy hoop-ty hoop I own that.. blah blah blah" Really Nicky Minaj?! That's giving young people of today some hope. What about... " When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of Wisdom...Let it Be" The Beatles had it right all along.

          I dunno about you guys but the music of today vs the music of 10-20-30 years ago, It makes a person lose hope in the human race a little bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm in my 20's and when I hear Backstreet Boys I'll jam like a 7 year old school girl who's dream was to marry Nick Carter. But that's a good memory associated with childhood and it makes me feel good. But would you rather listen to a song about "bitches and hoes, and smoking dope" and degrading women or would you rather listen to a good song, with a good guitar hook and awesome lyrics? I think rap is the reason men are such scumbags in this generation. Thinking it's okay to treat women like the lower superior. But thats a topic for another day.

      But, it's time for me to go do something with my day off.... adult responsibilites right? Bleh.

Have a good one guys.
" There will be an answer, Let it Be"  - The Beatles.


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