Sunday, July 25, 2010

Don't Blink..

Laying under a tree
wind blowing in the leaves
talking life with my best friend
Not wanting the good times to end

Sometimes we wish we were still kids
Posting our colored pictures on the fridge
playing barbies and GI Joe with our friends
Getting $2 from strangers for ice cream will soon end

The stuff we care about will soon change
soon will soon be boys, friends and fitting in
We'll all party and drink
Consequences, we wont take hte time to think

We all struggle to survive
Trying Mary J for the first time
They cut through you like a knife
the peer pressures of life

Afraid to leave the comfort of home
Its now time to make our own
To make some hard decisions by yourself
nobody there to reach on the tallest shelf

We're getting older, becoming adults
All going to college or university
It's all part of the journey
Whether we like it or not

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