Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rickety Wooden Dock

Clear as a mirror
atmosphere dreary and somber
calm and peaceful
on an old rickety dock
i sit and ponder,
chipped paint. rusty nails
the wood old and brittle
creaking beneath me
sky is gloomy and grey
trees reflect on the water with beauty
the lake is as clear as a mirror
Foggy mist on the surface
i take it all in with a deep breath
inhale.. exhale..
Rain drops begin to make ripples
getting bigger and bigger
Orange and red leaves fall to the ground, soon to be crunchy and brown the rain hits my face
Nature's perfections i embrace, dripping down my nose and cheeks hiding all of my tears, and the signs of my fears, of growing up and life, all the things id sacrifice Black clouds roll in,
a storm soon begins, dark shades of grey fill the sky, the rain becomes heavier, thunder rolls with boldness, Lightning bolts lights up the sky, dancing in every way, Dissapearing and fading away, The Sky clears up, and the rain stops. Drops of water falling from the leaves above.
drip, drip, drip, into the lake it falls. I get up and leave.
............Just like the storm.

1 comment:

  1. excellent job!!! i love it!! love how it ends too. very good imagery, i can feel the nature you are speaking of
