Saturday, March 31, 2012

3 Months into 2012

Hey Guys!
Again I'm HARDCORE slacking off with this blog thing...Soo Here's life lately.

I had to stop p90x because I caught some sort of virus that nearly killed me ( exaggerating a little bit here ) but I was super sick for about a month. Then my life started to get SUPER hectic, where I barely had time to sleep lately sooo no time for anything. This week will be hell because i have to drive all the way up North of the Province, then home again, then back up midway, then home then a 2 day long canoe trip. ( traditional easter weekend stuff )
Monday, Day ONE of..... INSANITY. Yep... Shaunnnn T will now own my body for not 90 days, 60.. but it's going to be a brutal 60 days. -_-

Sooo my man friend is no more, he was a useless deadbeat man who treated me like a piece of meat, which in hte end i found out thats all i was, and thats how hes treated every girl hes ever been with, as well as cheated on every girl hes ever been with.

I've became friends with somebody id NEVER thought i would of been friends with, ever again.

Soo im growing as a person a lil. learning to forgive but not to forget. not giving 2nd chances to those who doesnt deserve it and not keeping a grudge...

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