Friday, January 27, 2012

hey, 2012!

Hey, all.
I have not forgotten about you guys, I call it productive procrastination... Hypocrite much? My life lately has strictly been, eat, sleep, work and p90x. In between I make time for my friends / morethanfriendman. To start off the new year it was time for a change, I went from a light brunette to a DARK DARK Brown Brunette. Next stop... tattoo land.
I got super busy / lazy over the holidays. All I did was work, eat, party and sleep. I never had time for the gym or nothing. This is why Tony Horton owns my ass for the next 70 ( Im 20 days in ) days. Eating super healthy, taking vitamins, protein powder, strict diet, and the whole 9 yards. I even quit drinking....yup, no more party girl for p90x.
Looking back at the past year I learned a lot of valuable lessons. My past relationships weren't a mistake, they were a lesson. I'm a lot stronger, I think I have an understanding at what I want in my relationships. I've become a " tell it like it is " person. I have become more confident and more self worthy. I don't dwell over the things I'd like to change, I actually get up and change them. I'm honest and sarcastic. I joke around a lot and most of what I say shouldn't be taken seriously. When I'm serious about something, the tone tells it all.
I have not sat down and written poetry or free verse anythings lately, It's too cold to see on a cliff and let the mind wander and nothing has inspired me to write lately.
So as my first post in 2012, I'll list the things I want to accomplish.
-get a better job.
-save up every paycheck, and go on a well deserved roadie with my bestie.
-become the health junkie I was last year.
-life 2012 to the VERY fullest, never put anything off.
-do everything ive ever wanted to do, but always chickened out.

Happy 2012 all.
Whatever you think can't be done, can be done.
Live in Love - Christianne.

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